Estate Planning


Make Your Wishes Known

At The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, we are dedicated to helping you secure your legacy. Our experienced team specializes in drafting and managing wills, ensuring your final wishes are honored and your loved ones are protected. Contact us today to begin planning your estate with confidence.

Our firm offers personalized estate planning services tailored to Michigan residents. We guide you through creating a comprehensive will that meets the requirements of Michigan’s Estates and Protected Individuals Code (EPIC).

Ensure your estate is in good hands—schedule a consultation with us today.

Leave a Legacy for your loved ones

Planning a will can be complicated, with legal intricacies and emotional challenges. Without proper legal assistance, there’s a risk of your will being invalid or not reflecting your true intentions.

If your will does not comply with Michigan’s legal standards, it could lead to disputes among heirs, increased legal costs, and prolonged probate processes. This could result in stress and financial strain for your loved ones during an already difficult time.

At The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, we simplify the will creation process. Our experience with Michigan law ensures your will is legally sound and comprehensive. We help you outline clear directives, minimize potential conflicts, and provide peace of mind knowing your affairs are in order.

Benefits Of a Last will

Having a will in Michigan is essential for safeguarding your legacy and providing clarity for your loved ones. One of the top benefits is control over the distribution of your assets.

Without a will, Michigan’s intestacy laws dictate who inherits your property, which might not reflect your personal wishes. By having a will, you can ensure your assets are passed on to the individuals or organizations you care about most.

Appoint a Guardian for Minor Age Children

Another significant benefit is the ability to appoint a guardian for minor children. This ensures that your children are cared for by someone you trust, rather than leaving this crucial decision to the courts.

Name An Executor

A will also allows you to name an executor, the person responsible for managing your estate and ensuring your wishes are carried out. This can streamline the probate process and help minimize disputes among family members.

Provide Clear Instructions For Your Assets

Additionally, a well-prepared will can reduce the emotional and financial burden on your loved ones. It provides clear instructions on your wishes, which can prevent family conflicts and reduce the time and costs associated with probate.

With a will, you can also make specific bequests, such as leaving sentimental items to particular individuals, which can be a comforting gesture for your heirs.

Moreover, a will enables you to support charitable causes by including donations to organizations you are passionate about. This can create a lasting legacy and reflect your values and priorities.

A Critical Step

Overall, creating a will is a critical step in estate planning. It ensures your wishes are honored, protects your loved ones, and provides peace of mind knowing that you have taken the necessary steps to manage your affairs.

At The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, we are here to help you draft a comprehensive will that meets all legal requirements and truly reflects your intentions. Contact us today to get started on securing your future.


What are the legal requirements for a valid will in Michigan?

To create a valid will in Michigan, the will must meet specific legal requirements:

  • The testator (person making the will) must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind.
  • The will must be in writing.
  • The will must be signed by the testator or by someone else at the testator’s direction and in their presence.
  • The will must be witnessed and signed by at least two individuals who witnessed the testator’s signing or acknowledgment of the will.
How can I ensure my will reflects my current wishes and is up to date?

To ensure your will reflects your current wishes and is up to date, regularly review and update it, especially after major life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or significant changes in financial status.

Amendments can be made through a codicil, a legal document that modifies your will, or by creating a new will that explicitly revokes the old one. Both methods must adhere to the same legal requirements as the original will, including signatures and witness attestations.

What are the potential consequences of NOT having a will in Michigan?

Without a will in Michigan, your estate will be distributed according to the state’s intestacy laws, which may not align with your wishes. This means the court will determine how your assets are divided, typically prioritizing spouses and children.

If you have minor children, the court will appoint a guardian for them. Additionally, the probate process can become more complex and lengthy, potentially leading to increased legal fees and family disputes.

How does the probate process work for wills in Michigan?

The probate process in Michigan involves the legal validation of a deceased person’s will and the administration of their estate.

The process begins with filing a petition in probate court, where the court will determine the validity of the will and appoint a personal representative to manage the estate.

This representative will inventory the estate’s assets, pay debts and taxes, and distribute the remaining assets to the beneficiaries according to the will.

(If there is no will, the estate is distributed according to Michigan’s intestacy laws.)

Can I change or revoke my will after it has been created, and if so, how?

Yes, you can change or revoke your will after it has been created.

To change your will, you can either draft a new will or create a codicil, which is an amendment to the existing will. The new will or codicil must meet the same legal requirements as the original will, including being in writing, signed by you, and witnessed by at least two individuals.

To revoke your will, you can physically destroy the document, or you can draft a new will that explicitly states the revocation of all prior wills.

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Office Address

800 E Ellis Rd, Norton Shores, Michigan 49441, United States

Office HOURS

Monday – Friday: 9AM – 7PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Additional hours available by appointment.
Closed for major holidays.