Estate Planning

Special Needs Trusts

Securing the Future

At The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, we understand the complexities and importance of ensuring that your loved ones with special needs are provided for.

Our goal is to help you navigate the intricacies of establishing a special needs trust, ensuring that your family member receives the care and support they deserve without jeopardizing their eligibility for essential government benefits.

Creating a special needs trust involves careful planning and detailed knowledge of both federal and Michigan state laws. We specialize in crafting trusts that meet your unique needs, providing peace of mind for you and security for your loved one.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step in safeguarding your family’s future.

Ensuring Your Loved One’s Financial Security

Families with special needs individuals often face the difficult challenge of providing financial support without affecting eligibility for government assistance programs.

Simply leaving an inheritance or direct financial gifts can disqualify your loved one from receiving crucial benefits like Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

A special needs trust is a powerful tool that allows you to allocate funds specifically for the benefit of a loved one with disabilities, without interfering with their access to government benefits. These trusts are designed to cover expenses not provided by public assistance, enhancing the quality of life for your loved one while preserving their benefits.

Benefits of Special Needs Trusts

When planning for the future of a loved one with special needs, establishing a special needs trust can provide significant advantages and peace of mind. This powerful legal tool ensures that your loved one’s financial security is maintained without jeopardizing their eligibility for essential government benefits.

By carefully managing and distributing assets, a special needs trust can enhance quality of life while offering you the reassurance that your loved one’s needs will be met according to your wishes.

Here are some key benefits of incorporating a special needs trust into your estate planning strategy.

Protection of Government Benefits

Special needs trusts are structured to ensure that your loved one remains eligible for government assistance programs. By placing assets in a trust rather than giving them directly, you prevent the risk of disqualification from Medicaid, SSI, and other vital services.

Customizable to Meet Specific Needs

These trusts can be tailored to meet the unique needs of the beneficiary. You can specify how the funds should be used, whether for medical expenses, educational purposes, or daily living costs, providing a personalized approach to care.

Professional Management

Special needs trusts are often managed by professional trustees who understand the legal and financial intricacies involved. This ensures that the funds are handled properly, maximizing their benefit and longevity for your loved one.

Enhanced Quality of Life

Funds from a special needs trust can be used to pay for services and items that improve the beneficiary’s quality of life, such as therapy, personal care attendants, vacations, and recreational activities. This enriches their life without compromising their benefits.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that you have taken steps to secure your loved one’s future can provide immense peace of mind. A special needs trust ensures that they will be cared for according to your wishes, even when you are no longer able to provide support.

Establishing a special needs trust is a crucial step in comprehensive estate planning. At The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, we are dedicated to helping you create a secure and beneficial plan for your family.

Get in touch to learn more about how a special needs trust can protect your loved one’s future.


What types of special needs trusts are available, and which one is right for my situation?

There are two primary types of special needs trusts in Michigan: first-party and third-party special needs trusts.

First-party special needs trusts are funded with the assets of the person with disabilities, such as through an inheritance or personal injury settlement. These trusts must comply with certain requirements to maintain eligibility for Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), including the provision that any remaining funds after the beneficiary’s death must be used to repay Medicaid expenses.

Third-party special needs trusts are usually established and funded by someone other than the beneficiary, typically a parent or grandparent. These trusts do not require payback to Medicaid after the beneficiary’s death and can provide more flexibility in asset management and distribution.

How does a special needs trust affect eligibility for government benefits like Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

Special needs trusts help preserve eligibility for government benefits like Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) by holding assets separately from the beneficiary’s personal resources.

The trust funds can be used for supplemental needs without being counted towards the asset limits set by government programs.

  • First-party special needs trusts demand compliance with federal and state regulations, including provisions for Medicaid reimbursement upon the beneficiary’s death.
  • Third-party special needs trusts, however, do not necessitate Medicaid payback, providing more flexibility and protection.
Who can serve as a trustee, and what are their responsibilities in managing the trust?

A trustee in Michigan can be any competent adult or a financial institution authorized to conduct trust business. The trustee is responsible for managing the trust’s assets according to the terms of the trust document and for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

Key responsibilities include administering the trust in good faith and in accordance with the trust’s terms and purposes. The trustee must keep the beneficiaries reasonably informed about the trust’s administration and material facts necessary to protect their interests. They must also maintain accurate records of the trust’s activities and provide reports to beneficiaries as required.

In managing the trust’s assets, the trustee must follow the “prudent investor rule,” ensuring that investments are made with care, skill, and caution. The trustee has the authority to take possession, control, or custody of the property transferred to the trust and may accept or reject additions to the trust. Additionally, the trustee must act impartially, balancing the interests of current and future beneficiaries.

If the trustee has special skills or expertise, they are required to use those skills in administering the trust. This ensures that the trust is managed effectively and in a manner that aligns with the best interests of the beneficiaries.

What expenses can be covered by a special needs trust, and how are distributions managed?

A special needs trust can cover a wide range of expenses that enhance the beneficiary’s quality of life without affecting their eligibility for government benefits, including:

  • Medical and dental care not covered by insurance
  • Education and training programs
  • Personal care attendants
  • Recreational activities
  • Transportation

Distributions from the trust must be managed carefully to ensure they do not provide direct cash to the beneficiary, which could jeopardize their benefits. Proper management by the trustee ensures that the funds are used appropriately and beneficially.

Special needs trusts are designed to ensure that individuals with disabilities can receive financial support without jeopardizing their eligibility for government benefits. When considering setting up a special needs trust in Michigan, there are several common questions people often have. Let’s consider some of these issues:


  • Eligibility: Many people want to know who is eligible to benefit from a special needs trust. Generally, any individual with a significant physical or mental disability that qualifies them for government benefits like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Medicaid can benefit from such a trust. 
  • Asset Protection: A key question is how assets in the trust are protected. Assets placed in a special needs trust are not considered when determining eligibility for government benefits. This means the beneficiary can receive additional financial support without affecting their SSI or Medicaid benefits. 
  • Trust Management: People often inquire about who will manage the trust. Typically, a trustee is appointed to manage the trust. This could be a family member, a trusted friend, or a professional trustee. The trustee is responsible for using the trust funds to benefit the individual with special needs.
  • Funding the Trust: Another common question is how to fund a special needs trust. Trusts can be funded with various assets, including cash, property, and life insurance policies. It’s important to plan how these assets will be transferred to the trust to avoid potential tax implications. 
  • Maintaining Eligibility: There is also concern about maintaining eligibility for benefits. Special needs trusts must be carefully managed to ensure they comply with federal and state regulations. This often involves regular reporting and careful documentation to avoid any issues with benefit eligibility.
How do I ensure that the trust remains compliant with state and federal regulations over time?

To ensure that a special needs trust remains compliant with state and federal regulations over time, it’s essential to stay informed about any changes in laws and guidelines that might affect the trust.

Regular reviews with an experienced attorney who specializes in special needs trusts are crucial. The trustee should maintain accurate records, manage the trust prudently, and ensure that distributions align with the trust’s purpose and legal requirements.

Additionally, periodic audits and consultations can help identify and address any potential compliance issues promptly.

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800 E Ellis Rd, Norton Shores, Michigan 49441, United States

Office HOURS

Monday – Friday: 9AM – 7PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Additional hours available by appointment.
Closed for major holidays.