leaving for college

Estate Planning Checklist for Parents with Kids Leaving for College

Published: June 21, 2024

If your child is leaving for college, this is a significant milestone filled with excitement and anticipation. However, amidst all the preparations for dorm life and class schedules, there’s one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked: estate planning.

As your child transitions into adulthood, ensuring that your estate plans are updated can provide peace of mind for you and security for them.

This checklist will guide you through the essential steps of estate planning for parents with kids leaving for college, helping you cover all the bases so that you and your child are well-prepared for this new chapter.

10 Essential Estate Planning Tips For When a Child Leaves for College

leaving for college

When your child is leaving for college, it’s not just a big moment for them, but for you as well. It’s a time filled with excitement, new challenges, and maybe even a bit of anxiety.

As you prepare for this transition, it’s crucial to address the legal aspects that come with your child heading off for college. If you’re ready to make plans, get in touch with us at The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney. Let us help you prepare and protect your future!

Let’s dive into our essential estate planning checklist of duties you need to undertake to ensure your child is protected and your family is prepared for the future.

1. Health Care Power of Attorney

Your child is now legally an adult. This means you no longer have automatic access to their medical information. A Health Care Power of Attorney allows you to make medical decisions on their behalf if they are unable to do so. Imagine the peace of mind knowing you can help if they need medical attention during their college years.

2. Durable Power of Attorney

A Durable Power of Attorney grants you the ability to manage your child’s financial affairs if they are unable to. Whether it’s managing a bank account, paying bills, or handling tuition payments, this document ensures you can assist them without any legal hurdles.

3. HIPAA Authorization

To stay informed about your child’s health, you’ll need a HIPAA Authorization. This document allows health care providers to share your child’s medical information with you. It’s a simple task that can prevent a lot of frustration in the future.

4. FERPA Release

College life means your child’s educational records are protected under FERPA. A FERPA Release permits you to access their academic records. This is particularly useful if you need to keep track of their progress or help them make academic decisions.

5. Reviewing and Updating Your Will

Your child becoming a college student is a good time to review and update your will. Ensure that your assets are allocated according to your current wishes. If your only child is starting college, you might want to make specific provisions for their future.

6. Establishing a Trust

leaving for college

If you haven’t already, consider setting up a trust. A trust can manage funds for your child’s education and other expenses. It ensures that the money is used according to your wishes and can provide financial security for your child throughout their college years.

7. Insurance Policies

Review your life and health insurance policies. Make sure your child is still covered under your health insurance and consider a life insurance policy that provides for your child’s education in case something happens to you.

8. Emergency Contacts and Information

Ensure your child knows who to contact in case of an emergency. This includes family members, close friends, and your lawyer. Keep this information updated and accessible.

Consider having a family password in case there is ever any confusion about who is texting or calling you for help.

9. Communication Plan

Establish a communication plan with your child. Regular check-ins can help you both feel more connected and informed about each other’s lives.

This is especially important if they are feeling sad or homesick.

10. Backup Plans

Discuss and set up backup plans for various scenarios. This includes what to do if they lose their ID, need money urgently, or have a health emergency. Knowing these plans can help reduce anxiety for both you and your child.

Preparing for your child’s transition to college involves more than just packing and saying goodbye. By tackling these estate planning tasks, you ensure that your child is legally and financially protected as they navigate college life.

It’s a way of showing your love and support as they step into this new chapter of their lives.

Child Attending College: Estate Planning For Life Changes

When your child is going off to school, the changes are profound for everyone involved. College life is an exciting time filled with new experiences, friends, and challenges.

It’s a big moment for young adults and parents alike. As they transition into this new phase, it’s crucial to recognize how their world is changing and how these changes impact your family’s lives.

Navigating New Changes

leaving for college

Your child is now on their own, navigating a new environment, meeting new friends, and experiencing college life. They’re no longer just your child; they’re becoming independent, making decisions, and learning to balance academics with extracurricular activities.

For parents, this shift can bring a mix of pride and anxiety. You might feel stuck between joy for their new adventures and a sense of loss as they leave home.

Emotional Adjustments

The emotional changes can be intense. As parents, you might miss the daily interactions, the shared meals, and the constant presence. It’s natural to feel sad and proud simultaneously. Clinical psychologists suggest talking openly about these feelings with your children. It helps both of you adjust to the new normal and maintain a strong bond even when they’re away at school.

However, remember that your child wants to know you’re also doing well and finding new ways to spend your time and enjoy your life apart from being a parent. So don’t be afraid to share your excitement over the fun activities you now have more time for

After all, your child is now a young adult and may begin to see you more as an advisor and, dare we say, even a friend!

Reevaluating Estate Plans

Life changes like your child attending college mean it’s a perfect time to reevaluate your estate plans. However, life is full of changes, and future plans will develop into other dreams and developments as life goes on.

estate planning

Here are the top 10 life events that should prompt you to update important estate planning documents:

  1. Marriage or Divorce (Or someone moving in with a significant other): Getting married or divorced significantly impacts your estate plans. You’ll need to update beneficiaries and consider how assets are distributed.
  2. Birth or Adoption of a Child: The arrival of a new child or the adoption of a child necessitates updating your will to include provisions for their future.
  3. Death of a Beneficiary or Executor: If someone named in your estate plans passes away, you’ll need to revise your documents to reflect these changes.
  4. Significant Financial Changes: A major increase or decrease in assets, such as an inheritance, requires adjustments to your estate plans.
  5. Moving to a New State: Different states have varying laws regarding estate planning. If you move, you’ll need to ensure your plans comply with your new state’s laws.
  6. Changes in Tax Laws: Tax laws can change, impacting how your estate is taxed. Staying informed and updating your plans can help minimize tax liabilities.
  7. Retirement: Entering retirement is a major life change that often requires a review of your estate plans to ensure they align with your new financial situation.
  8. Starting a Business: If you start a business, you’ll need to include business succession plans in your estate planning documents.
  9. Health Changes: A significant change in your health or that of a family member can prompt a need to update your estate plans to address new circumstances.
  10. Changes in Beneficiary Circumstances: If a beneficiary’s circumstances change significantly, such as gaining financial independence or experiencing hardship or addiction, you may want to adjust your estate plans to better reflect their current needs and your intentions.

Taking the Best Steps For the Future

Taking these steps ensures your estate plans reflect your current situation and future wishes. As your child embarks on their college journey, you can find peace of mind knowing your family is legally and financially prepared for whatever lies ahead.

These adjustments are more than just legal tasks; they’re about protecting your family and ensuring that big moments and life changes are handled with care and foresight.

Experienced Estate Planning For Life

estate planning attorney

At The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, we want to serve your family for a lifetime. We’re here for you as you create or update your estate plans now and in the future.

Walking alongside you and being there to listen and help you prepare and protect your family as life moves forward is what we do.

Personalized Guidance and Support

We understand that every family is unique, and so are your estate planning needs. Our approach is personalized, ensuring that we take the time to understand your specific circumstances, hopes, and concerns.

Whether you are just starting out with estate planning or need to make updates due to life changes, we are here to provide the guidance and support you need.

Comprehensive Services

Our comprehensive estate planning services cover a wide range of needs, including drafting wills, setting up trusts, creating powers of attorney, and establishing health care directives.

We ensure that every aspect of your estate is thoughtfully planned to protect your loved ones and reflect your wishes.

Long-Term Relationship

We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients. As life changes and new challenges arise, we will be here to assist you with ongoing updates and adjustments to your estate plans.

From your child leaving for college to planning for retirement to a death in the family, we’re committed to being your trusted advisors through all stages of life.

Peace of Mind for You and Your Family

leaving for college

Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind, knowing that your family is protected and your wishes are honored.

Estate planning is not just about legal documents. It’s about ensuring your family’s future is secure. With our experienced team by your side, you can feel confident that every detail is handled with care and experience.

Contact Us Today

If you are ready to start your estate planning journey or need to update your existing plans, contact The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney today. We are here to help you navigate these important decisions and provide the support you need to protect your family’s future.

Get in touch today and let’s work together to create a plan that gives you peace of mind and serves your family for generations to come.

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