Estate Administration

Compassionately Guiding You Through Estate Management 

At The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, we provide comprehensive estate administration services to help you navigate the complexities of managing a loved one’s estate.

Our experienced team understands the intricacies of Michigan estate law and is here to ensure a smooth, efficient process.

With our compassionate approach and meticulous attention to detail, we aim to alleviate the burden during this challenging time, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you with estate administration. Let us handle the legal complexities so you can find peace of mind and reassurance in knowing your loved one’s wishes are honored.

Here for You during a Difficult time 

Administering an estate can be a daunting task, especially during a time of grief.

Without proper guidance, the process can become overwhelming, leading to potential legal complications and family disputes. It’s crucial to handle each step correctly to ensure the deceased’s wishes are honored and the beneficiaries receive their rightful inheritances.

At The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, we offer experienced guidance and compassionate support to help you through every step of the estate administration process.

From filing necessary documents to distributing assets, we handle all legal requirements to alleviate your burden. Our goal is to provide clarity, ensure compliance with Michigan law, and facilitate a smooth transition of assets.


Working with our experienced attorneys at The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, ensures that all legal requirements are met, and the estate is administered efficiently and in accordance with Michigan law.

  • Probate Administration

    Probate administration involves validating the deceased’s will, inventorying assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets to beneficiaries. Our team will guide you through the probate process, ensuring all legal requirements are met efficiently.

  • Trust Administration

    If the deceased had a trust, trust administration involves managing and distributing the trust’s assets according to its terms. We assist trustees with their fiduciary duties, ensuring the trust is administered correctly and beneficiaries’ interests are protected.

  • Asset Distribution

    We ensure that assets are distributed according to the will or trust, handling transfers and any necessary sales. Our goal is to execute the decedent’s wishes accurately and fairly, minimizing conflicts among beneficiaries.

  • Debt Settlement

    Paying off the deceased’s debts is a crucial part of estate administration. We handle creditor claims, ensuring that debts are settled properly, and protecting the estate from future claims.

  • Tax Filings

    Estate administration involves filing final income tax returns and potentially estate tax returns. Our team ensures all tax obligations are met, helping to avoid penalties and ensuring compliance with state and federal tax laws.

  • Guardianship and Conservatorship

    If the deceased left behind minor children or incapacitated adults, establishing guardianship or conservatorship may be necessary. We assist in appointing guardians or conservators to ensure that loved ones are cared for and their financial affairs managed appropriately.

Our comprehensive services form the foundation of handling the estate of a loved one. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with estate administration.


What are the steps involved in the probate process, and how long does it typically take?

The probate process in Michigan involves several key steps. First, a petition must be filed with the probate court to either admit a will or to appoint a personal representative if there is no will.

Once appointed, the personal representative is responsible for gathering and inventorying the deceased’s assets, notifying creditors, and paying any valid claims against the estate. The personal representative must also file necessary tax returns and pay any taxes owed. Finally, the remaining assets are distributed to the beneficiaries as directed by the will or by state law if there is no will.

The duration of the probate process can vary widely depending on the complexity of the estate and whether there are any disputes. In straightforward cases, probate can be completed in about six months to a year.

However, if there are complications, such as contested wills or difficulty in locating assets, the process can take longer. The court’s schedule and the efficiency of the personal representative also play significant roles in determining the timeline.

How do I locate and manage the deceased’s assets and debts?

Locating and managing the deceased’s assets and debts is a critical responsibility of the personal representative. This process begins by reviewing the deceased’s financial records, such as bank statements, investment accounts, and property deeds, to identify all assets.

Additionally, the personal representative may need to access safe deposit boxes and consult with financial advisors or institutions to gather comprehensive information about the estate.

Managing the assets involves securing and protecting them until they can be distributed. This may include maintaining property, managing bank accounts, and ensuring that any income generated by the assets is properly handled.

The personal representative must also notify creditors and settle any debts of the estate. This includes paying off outstanding bills, loans, and taxes. Properly managing these tasks ensures that the estate is administered in accordance with Michigan law and that the beneficiaries receive their due inheritance.

What are my responsibilities as an executor or personal representative?

As an executor or personal representative in Michigan, your responsibilities are extensive and must be carried out with diligence and integrity. Your primary duties include locating and inventorying the deceased’s assets, which involves identifying all properties, financial accounts, and personal belongings.

You must also secure these assets to protect them from loss or damage. Notifying creditors and settling valid claims is another crucial responsibility, requiring you to pay off any debts using the estate’s funds.

Additionally, you are responsible for filing the deceased’s final tax returns and paying any taxes owed by the estate. Once all debts and taxes have been paid, you will distribute the remaining assets to the beneficiaries as outlined in the will or according to Michigan’s intestacy laws if there is no will.

Throughout this process, you must keep accurate records and report to the probate court as required. These tasks must be completed in compliance with Michigan law to ensure the proper administration of the estate.

How do I handle disputes among beneficiaries or other interested parties?

Disputes among beneficiaries or other interested parties can arise during the probate process, and handling them requires careful management.

As a personal representative, it is your duty to act impartially and in the best interests of the estate. Communication is key; keeping beneficiaries informed about the probate process and the status of the estate can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.

When disputes do occur, mediation can be an effective way to resolve them without resorting to litigation. Mediation involves a neutral third party who helps the disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable solution.

If mediation fails, the dispute may need to be settled in probate court. In such cases, it is advisable to seek legal counsel to ensure that the estate’s interests are protected and that the probate process can proceed smoothly.

What taxes need to be filed, and how do I ensure compliance with state and federal tax laws?

As a personal representative, you must ensure that all necessary taxes are filed and paid. This includes the deceased’s final federal and state income tax returns for the year of death.

Additionally, the estate itself may be required to file federal estate tax returns, depending on the value of the estate. Michigan does not have a state estate tax, but federal estate taxes may apply.

To ensure compliance with tax laws, it is crucial to keep detailed records of all transactions and consult with legal professionals who are experienced in estate matters. They can assist in preparing and filing the required tax returns and in calculating any taxes owed by the estate.

Proper tax management helps prevent penalties and ensures that the estate is administered in accordance with both state and federal laws. Working with our experienced attorneys at The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, ensures that documents are properly handled and compliant with all legal requirements.

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Office Address

800 E Ellis Rd, Norton Shores, Michigan 49441, United States

Office HOURS

Monday – Friday: 9AM – 7PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Additional hours available by appointment.
Closed for major holidays.