Estate Planning Attorney


Jarrett  R. McCartney

Securing Your Legacy with Compassionate Estate Planning

At The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, we specialize in personalized estate planning and administration, ensuring your assets are protected and your wishes are honored. With a background in social work, Jarrett McCartney brings a unique blend of empathy and experience to guide you through important decisions. 

Planning for the future can be overwhelming. Without a comprehensive estate plan, your assets may be subject to lengthy probate processes, legal disputes, and potential financial losses, leaving your loved ones without clear guidance.

We offer tailored estate planning services to ensure your assets are managed according to your wishes. From living trusts and wills to powers of attorney and special needs planning, our comprehensive approach provides peace of mind and protects your family’s future.

Contact us today to begin your customized estate planning journey.

Personalized Service: We take the time to understand your unique needs and craft a plan that reflects your wishes. Our approach ensures that your estate plan is tailored specifically to your personal and family circumstances.

Comprehensive Coverage: Our services cover all aspects of estate planning, from asset protection to special needs trusts. We provide holistic solutions that address every potential need and concern.

Experienced Guidance: With extensive knowledge of Michigan estate law, we provide clear, professional support every step of the way. Our expertise helps you navigate complex legal requirements with confidence.

Efficient Administration: We ensure a smooth, efficient process for managing and distributing your estate. Our streamlined approach minimizes delays and ensures your wishes are carried out promptly.

Lifelong Support: Our commitment to a lifelong relationship means we’re here for you and your family whenever you need us. We offer ongoing assistance and updates to your plan as your circumstances evolve.

Personalized Service

At The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, we offer a unique blend of personalized service and comprehensive coverage to ensure your estate planning needs are met.

Our experienced guidance helps you navigate Michigan’s estate planning and guardianship legal landscape with confidence, while our efficient administration process ensures your estate is managed and distributed smoothly.

We are committed to lifelong support, providing ongoing assistance and updates as your circumstances change. Our approach ensures that your estate plan is tailored to your specific needs and evolves with you, giving you and your family peace of mind.

Estate Planning Services

Living Trust

A personalized living trust gives you full control of the distribution of your assets and keeps your loved ones out of court and conflict.




Jarrett will create a pour-over will which places all of your assets into your trust in case the trust is not fully funded at the time of your passing.



Powers of Attorney

In the event that you should become incapacitated, the legal documents appointing your financial and medical decision makers will be securely in place.



Special Needs Planning

We can help you create a plan to provide for a loved one with special needs, including setting up a special needs trust.



Estate Plan Administration

Jarrett wishes to maintain a lifelong relationship with you and your loved ones. For that reason, he offers assistance with the administration of your estate plan after you are gone.




Jarrett can guide you through every step of the legal process, ensuring your loved ones are protected and their best interests are served.



Loving Legacy

The priceless items that will be cherished most are the ones that will remind them of you and the relationship that the two of you shared. The image of you in a photograph or on video, a personal letter, a handmade item or a journal are just a few of the items that could bring comfort to those you love.

We work with our clients to create a Loving Legacy Box called “P.S. I love you!” So many people have every intention to leave something special behind for their loved ones but never find the time to do so. It is our pleasure to add this service to your estate plan at no additional cost.

Compassion & Experience For Your Future

Secure your family’s future today with The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC. Our compassionate and experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized estate planning services tailored to your unique needs.

Whether you’re looking to create a living trust, draft a will, or protect your assets, we are here to guide you every step of the way. Don’t leave your legacy to chance.

Contact us now to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones.

Compassion & Experience For Your Future

Secure your family’s future today with The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC. Our compassionate and experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized estate planning services tailored to your unique needs.

Whether you’re looking to create a living trust, draft a will, or protect your assets, we are here to guide you every step of the way. Don’t leave your legacy to chance.

Contact us now to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones.


What are the essential documents I need for a comprehensive estate plan?

A comprehensive estate plan typically includes several key documents. The cornerstone is often a will, which outlines how your assets should be distributed after your death and can also designate guardians for minor children. In addition to a will, many people establish a living trust to manage their assets during their lifetime and ensure a smooth transfer to beneficiaries, avoiding probate.

Other essential documents include durable powers of attorney for both financial and healthcare decisions, which designate trusted individuals to make decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. An advance healthcare directive, or living will, specifies your medical treatment preferences in end-of-life situations. Finally, beneficiary designations on retirement accounts and life insurance policies should be reviewed and updated as part of your comprehensive plan.

How can I protect my assets from probate and ensure they are distributed according to my wishes?

To protect your assets from probate and ensure they are distributed according to your wishes, consider establishing a living trust. By transferring ownership of your assets to a trust, you can avoid the lengthy and public probate process, allowing for a more private and efficient transfer to your beneficiaries. Assets in a trust are managed by a trustee according to your instructions, ensuring they are distributed as you intended.

In addition to a trust, you can use joint ownership arrangements and designate beneficiaries for certain assets. Jointly held property, payable-on-death (POD) accounts, and transfer-on-death (TOD) designations for securities and real estate can pass directly to the named individuals without going through probate. Regularly updating these designations ensures they reflect your current wishes and provide clear instructions for asset distribution.

What are the differences between a will and a trust, and which one is best for my situation?

A will and a trust serve different purposes and can complement each other in an estate plan. A will is a legal document that specifies how your assets should be distributed after your death and can name guardians for minor children. However, a will must go through probate, a public and sometimes lengthy process where the court oversees the distribution of your estate.

A trust, particularly a living trust, allows you to manage your assets during your lifetime and specify how they should be distributed upon your death. Trusts can avoid probate, providing a faster and more private transfer of assets to beneficiaries. Trusts also allow for greater control and flexibility in managing and distributing your assets, especially if you become incapacitated. Choosing between a will and a trust, or using both, depends on your specific needs, the complexity of your estate, and your goals for privacy and asset management.

What steps should I take to ensure my estate plan remains up-to-date and compliant with current laws?

To ensure your estate plan remains up-to-date and compliant with current laws, regularly review and update it, especially after major life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or significant changes in financial status. These events can drastically alter your distribution preferences and the individuals involved in executing your plan.

Staying informed about changes in estate laws is also crucial. Estate planning laws can vary by state and may change over time. If you move to a different state or country, it is essential to update your estate plan to comply with the new local laws and regulations. Consulting with an estate planning attorney can help ensure your plan adheres to the latest legal requirements. Working with our experienced attorneys at The Law Offices of Jarrett R. McCartney, PLLC, ensures that your estate plan remains current and valid, providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

How do I handle potential disputes among beneficiaries or other interested parties?

Handling potential disputes among beneficiaries or other interested parties requires clear communication and thorough documentation. Begin by having open discussions with your beneficiaries about your estate plan and your wishes. This transparency can help manage expectations and reduce misunderstandings. Clearly articulate your decisions and the reasons behind them in your estate planning documents to provide clarity.

Incorporating a no-contest clause in your will or trust can deter beneficiaries from challenging the estate plan, as they risk losing their inheritance if they contest the plan unsuccessfully. Mediation can also be an effective tool to resolve disputes amicably. Engaging a neutral third-party mediator can help beneficiaries reach a mutually acceptable agreement without resorting to litigation. Consulting with an experienced estate planning attorney can further ensure your plan is solid and reduce the likelihood of disputes.